Carter Young Collection On Your Report?

Last Updated: October 21st, 2023

  • Carter Young Collection is a debt collection company (that's likely hurting your credit score)
  • You may be able to remove them from your report, without paying your debt
  • Call us now to find out how!

What Is Carter Young Collection On My Credit Report?

Carter Young Collection is a debt collection agency. If you are seeing them on your credit report, it likely means they have purchased your debt from a creditor and are (or will be) attempting to collect it from you.

Is Carter Young Collection A Debt Collection Agency?

Yes, Carter Young Collection is a debt collection agency. They buy debt from a number of different creditors that no longer wish to attempt to collect the amount themselves (also known as a "charge-off").

Carter Young Collection may attempt to reach out via mail or phone calls (demanding payment). The worst part is a collections account will now be seen on your credit report. This hurts your score, as well as reducing your chances of getting approved for a loan or other important financial event.

But it’s not all bad news! We may be able to help you with this account. Call us today to find out more.

Who Does Carter Young Collection Collect For?

Carter Young Collection purchases debt from a range of different creditors. The information isn’t always publicly available and is constantly changing, so it’s difficult to provide an accurate and up-to-date list.

Does Carter Young Collection Hurt My Credit Score?

Yes, it is highly likely having Carter Young Collection on your credit report is damaging your score significantly.

How to Deal with Multiple Debt Collection Agencies

Navigating multiple debt collection agencies can be a daunting task. To get started, make a list of all the agencies and the amount owed, and prioritize them based on the amount and age of the debt. Next, reach out to each agency and request validation of the debt in writing. This is necessary to verify that you actually owe the debt and are not being scammed. Once you receive validation of the debt, negotiate a payment plan with them. Ensure that any agreements are documented in writing and keep a copy for your records. Finally, stay on top of payments to avoid any negative effects on your credit score.

Tips for Improving Your Credit Score

Having a collection account on your credit report can have a drastic effect on your score. To improve your credit score and minimize its impact, review your credit report for any errors or inaccuracies and dispute them with the credit bureau. Additionally, focus on making timely payments and reducing your debt-to-income ratio. You could also consider taking out a secured credit card or becoming an authorized user on someone else's card to build a positive history of responsible borrowing. Lastly, avoid applying for new credit unless absolutely necessary as each application can lower your score. By following these steps, you can work towards improving your overall credit score and lessen the negative effects of a collection account on your record.

Looking for help with Carter Young Collection?

How Do I Remove Carter Young Collection From My Credit Report?

To be eligible to remove Carter Young Collection from your credit report, you typically need to meet the following requirements:

  • Any information on the account is incorrect
  • Any information on the account is error’d
  • Any information on the account is fraudulent
  • And is not (or cannot be) fixed in an appropriate amount of time

According to a study by the U.S. PIRGs, 79% of credit reports contain mistakes or serious errors. Going after these types of accounts for our clients is our specialty.

Should I Pay For Delete With Carter Young Collection?

Paying off Carter Young Collection to have credit bureaus delete it from your report sounds like a good idea. There's one major problem. Paying a debt in collections changes your credit report status from 'unpaid' to 'paid', but the collection remains on your report for 7 years (from the date of first delinquency). This means your credit is still damaged.

Should I Negotiate A Settlement With Carter Young Collection?

Settling your debt with Carter Young Collection could go both ways. It may help your score, but it may also hurt your score. Many variables impact the end result. There is a better path to a good result. Work with a company that is able to review these accounts for you (like Credit Sage), and if any issues with the account exist you may have it removed all together (and never have to hear from them again).

Is Carter Young Collection Legit, Fake Or A Scam?

Carter Young Collection is a legitimate company. They aren’t fake or trying to scam you. But it is likely they are spam calling you trying to collect a debt. One of the best ways to deal with this is to dispute and remove unvalidated debts.

Looking for help with Carter Young Collection?

Why Do Carter Young Collection Keep Calling Me?

Carter Young Collection continues to call and attempt to collect a debt. The best thing you can do is ignore their calls and speak with a company that can help you get it removed (like Credit Sage).

How To Get Carter Young Collection To Stop Calling Me?

As we’ve mentioned above, Carter Young Collection will be calling you to attempt to collect a debt. The best thing you can do to stop this is speak with a company that can help you get them removed from your credit report, like Credit Sage. Once they are off your credit report, you won’t have to hear from them again.

Carter Young Collection Reviews And Complaints

Carter Young Collection has terrible BBB reviews. This may come from their repeated calls and letters to consumers trying to collect their debt.

Will Carter Young Collection Try Suing Or Garnishing My Wages?

Carter Young Collection suing would be a very unlikely situation. In rare cases it may happen, but it certainly isn’t the norm. State and federal laws place limits or 'exemptions' that apply to bank and wage garnishments.

We strongly recommend calling us, we’ll help determine the likelihood of a lawsuit, but also provide you next steps in getting this collection removed.

Looking for help with Carter Young Collection?

Does Carter Young Collection Accept A Goodwill Letter To Remove My Collection/Charge-Off?

Based on our years of experience dealing with companies like this, Carter Young Collection does not accept goodwill letters to remove collection accounts or charge offs.

What Are My Rights When Dealing With Carter Young Collection?

You have the right to dispute any of your debt that Carter Young Collection has purchased. Carter Young Collection is governed by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (or FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (or FCRA). While these acts seem very complicated, they provide a great deal of power to the consumer if you know how to use it properly.

What Is Carter Young Collection Phone Number?

You likely want to call Credit Sage before deciding whether or not to call Carter Young Collection. The reason? You may not want to pay Carter Young Collection debt, especially if it's inaccurate. Paying it off could hurt your score.

Get Carter Young Collection Removed From Your Report, Today!

In most cases, we recommend speaking with a Credit Repair professional to analyze your credit report before you attempt to settle any debt. The main reason? Settling your debt may actually hurt your score.

Looking for help with Carter Young Collection?

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