800-306-6062 Called You?

Last Updated: October 21st, 2023

  • This number belongs to Specialized Loan Servicing, they're likely calling to collect a debt
  • You may not have to pay your debt (paying it may hurt your score)
  • Call now, find out how you can remove Specialized Loan Servicing from your credit report - without paying your debt (potentially)

Who Is 800-306-6062 ?

800-306-6062 belongs to Specialized Loan Servicing. They’re a debt collector reporting a collection account on your credit report.

This can mean 2 things:

  1. They’ve purchased your debt from the original creditor (such as a credit card company), and they’re now calling you to collect that debt.
  3. They don’t own the debt themselves, but are being paid to collect on behalf of another company.

The worst part is you now have a collections account on your credit report, which will be hurting your score. It also lowers your chances of being approved for credit (at least with good interest rates).

How Can I Get 800-306-6062 to Stop Calling Me?

There are a number of ways you can go about this, but the easiest one (which we highly recommend), is to reach out to a company that specializes in dealing with debt collectors, such as Credit Sage.

Call us today on (855) 677-2127 and speak with one of our friendly collection specialists. They’ll review your credit report with you (for free), and walk you through your best options.

The best news? We’ve helped thousands of customers remove Specialized Loan Servicing from their credit reports (without having to pay their debt). When Specialized Loan Servicing is removed from your report:

  • They will stop calling you
  • Your credit score will increase

How To Deal With 800-306-6062 If You Owe the Debt

Dealing with a debt collector can be intimidating, but it's critical to manage the situation in order to protect your credit score. If Specialized Loan Servicing has contacted you via their phone number 800-306-6062 and you owe them a debt, there are steps you can take.

Start by verifying the debt to make sure it belongs to you and the amount is correct. Once these details are confirmed, try negotiating for a payment plan or settlement offer. Make sure to request anything agreed upon in writing, and keep records of your conversations with the collection agency.

If money is tight, asking for a temporary reprieve on payments or researching other options such as debt consolidation may be beneficial.

What To Do If 800-306-6062 Is Reporting Inaccurate Information On Your Credit Report

Keeping track of your credit report is essential for managing financial wellbeing, so it's important to make sure the information is accurate. If you notice Specialized Loan Servicing, via their phone number 800-306-6062, reporting incorrect info on your credit report, act quickly.

Begin by obtaining free copies of your credit reports from all three major credit bureaus and finding the discrepancies. Then file a dispute with the bureau(s) and include any relevant evidence to support your case. Contact Specialized Loan Servicing as well and ask them to update their records and notify the bureaus of the amendment. Don't forget to maintain records of all conversations and follow up to verify that the correction has been made.

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